Sandbridge Blue Going Green
How Sandbridge Blue is making a difference and going green...
- We offer Electronic Rental Agreements (we do not mail paper copies, which eliminates time, paper, money, gas and Making the World Greener Image work).
- We email the balance due notices and receipt of payment, rather than mailing those as well.
- We email check-in information when applicable.
- We update all Online Information, to eliminate paper to produce our Annual Sandbridge Blue Vacation Home Brochure.
- We also offer a "paperless" payroll to conserve paper for printing checks in our company. We either use direct deposit or offer a debit card for usage with our foreign students or employees without a personal banking/savings account. We no longer print checks for company payroll.
- Have made donations to local Preschools to recycle our paper products.
Moving onto other things we do, these are ways that we recycle, reduce or and conserve our paper usage as a company.
- We offer keyless entry into our homes, which saves our guests time as they don’t have to drive to our office and wait in line to receive a hard key. Instead, they receive a code to access the home and can drive straight there.
- We give our guests a complimentary Sandbridge Blue Welcome Bag, that doubles as a Thermal Grocery Tote, that is made of recycled materials.
- Our Housekeeping department reuses our cleaning materials(rags), as we wash and reuse those items.
- We recycle and reuse our Housekeeping cleaning bottles.