Ready to get the most from your Sandbridge Beach experience? Do what the locals do!
Long-time Sandbridge residents know about hidden haunts the guidebooks overlook. So, why not follow their example? Bike along beautiful trails far off the beaten path. Explore beaches so private you can't even get there by car. Cast your line for largemouth bass in the grass beds of peaceful Back Bay. Kayak right to the door of a legendry local eatery. And more!
Here are a few cool ways you can enjoy Sandbridge Beach, VA, just like the locals do.
Hike - Or, Better Yet, Bike - Through Secluded False Cape State Park
A perennial favorite with locals, this unspoiled retreat covers 3,844 acres, including 6 miles of pristine beachfront. It's one of the last undeveloped spots on the East Coast.
In fact, False Cape is so wonderfully wild it's only accessible by foot, bicycle, paddle craft, or park-operated tram. Plus, it's open only during daylight hours - dawn to dusk - typically 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
By Foot
Up for a scenic trek?Park at the parking lot for Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge (4005 Sandpiper Road). Once inside the refuge, take either the East Dike Trail or the West Dike Trail, each 4.5 miles long. During the season - April 1 through October 31 - only one trail is open at a time, but either one will take you to False Cape State Park. You'll see a sign at the beginning pointing you to the park.
Both trails are wide, graveled, and mostly flat, so they're ideal for both hiking and cycling. In fact, many local residents prefer the bicycle option, as it gets them to the park quicker.
Didn't bring bicycles with you? No worries. You can rent bikes for the entire family at Ocean Rentals Ltd. (577 Sandbridge Road) and Moneysworth Beach Equipment Rental and Linen Rental (601 Sandbridge Road).
From November 1 through March 31, both the East and West Dike Trails are closed, but you can still access the park via Sandbridge Beach. Why not rent a beach cruiser bicycle to navigate the sandy terrain? That's what the natives would do!